Sunday, February 12, 2006

Fire in the Belly

GF and I went to another fund raiser last night, I think it was a Mardi Gras party. The building it was held in was called Architectual Artifacts, up north on Ravenswood near Montrose. AA is kind of a store, museum, and event space, GF saw many things there that she liked.

Anyway, between sets by the band, they had a fire handler kind of dude. The picture here is of him spinning a stick, but he also had balls of fire (he-he) on a chain, and he swallowed some fire as well! I'm afraid that if I would have tried it, the booze in my mouth would have ignited and I would have exploded.

Lot's of blue jeans and more then a few tennis shoes with the get ups last night. Rather disappointing if you think about it.


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