Monday, May 01, 2006

No really, you can trust us! We're from your Government!

Came across a few bits of information today; the first is a report about how the Gov is trying to have a lawsuit filed by the EEF against AT&T thrown out. Of course I'm not surprised, a consumer telecom helping the Gov spy on its own people? Yes, I imagine that could make someone look a little bad.

The other is about Congress and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). While I'm normally a big fan of our political process (really, I LOVE the system, I just loath those practicing it), I think in this case Congress is going too far. The Dubai ports deal illustrates that Congress can not really be trusted with these types of issues.

On a happier note, the gf made it to Hong Kong in one piece to visit her sister! She is emailing me little updates on her blackberry, and everything sounds great so far. I am glad that she was able to stop by Chicago for awhile before her trip, and I'm looking forward to another layover when she flies back.


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