Saturday, December 31, 2005

Eve of the Eve 2005

Here are a few pictures I took with my phone last night at Eve of the Eve. GF and I went with some friends and had a very good time. That in spite of the fact they ran out of vodka and gin before the night was over! Based on my hangover though, I think I share a good part of the blame for the shortfall.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Why all the pictures

I find myself looking at all my pictures from my last trip, and trying to publish them online, because I'm starting to get anxious to travel again. I'm thinking about Estonia, but that depends on how much it will cost.

More pictures from Germany

Just outside of Meisdorf Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Girlfriend and I visiting friend in Heidelberg, Germany Posted by Picasa

Potsdamer Platz, Berlin Germany Posted by Picasa

Eve of the Eve

Well part 1 of the holiday season is over, only New Years Eve left. My girlfriend and I are going to Eve of the Eve again. It's a fundraising event held every Dec. 30th. It's nice because you get to go out and have fun without worrying about all the suburbanites ruinging your fun. People also get dressed up as well, no idiots wearing another untucked BR stripped shirt with horribly expensive jeans.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Not enough time

Time is a funny thing. I don't think the problem is we don't have enough, I think that our tasks just aren't spread out enough. I have plenty of free time, but then suddenly have tons of things to do all at once. Starting today, I have two midterms, one hw assignment, and a project all due by Thursday. Pain in my butt to get it all done.