Friday, September 22, 2006

New look in Chicago

Ladies, here is a tip. Footless leggings with flats? OVER!!!!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Urban Crop Circles

I thought all of these pictures would be lined up neatly on the left side of the screen in the order that I downloaded them, but I guess not. Given that I am actually too lazy this morning to figure out if I could change this, you will just have to deal with it.

These pictures were taken near the Chicago River, just before it heads out into the lake. I was walking down there with my gf, her sister, and the two dogs when I saw this. This was the only set of trees that had these circles or rows around them. Since they are so neat and precise it's obvious that they were not created by accident. Also, in the troughs there were apples that had been cut in half. Very odd....

Who did this and why? Was there something special about these two trees (other similar trees and beds had not been disturbed)? The two ladies did not think too much about it, and neither of the dogs reacted (maybe aliens don't smell?). However, since I think it's much more fun to believe they are urban crop circles, I declare them urban crop circles!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Two Dogs

This is Lily (or Lilly) in the raincoat. In the background of course is Cricket, still mugging it up for the camera in her bid to be center of attention at all times.

Lily is a dog that was rescued by my gf in NOLA. She was found at a kill shelter, and of course the gf found her impossible to resist. When she told me about her, she promised that she would give her to her sister after she rescued her. Of course, I didn't believe her, but being so far away, there was nothing I could do.

Surprisingly, she did turn over Lily to her sister. So I don't have to figure out how to entertain two dogs, a cat, and a fish.