Memorial Day
I've included a shot taken by my gf while she was visiting her sister in Hong Kong. I really wish I could have gone with her, but due to finals, and no money, I could not go. Fortunately, she is very willing to go back, so there is still hope.
Long Memorial Day weekend here. So far I have done nothing too exciting other then watch really bad movies on the Sci Fi channel. Today I am going to a bbq at my friend Shana's house. It's somewhere in the suburbs, though I'm not sure where. I was trying to explain to my Dad that since I know the Metra stop, and the street address, I don't really have to know which town she lives in.
Other then that, nothing too exciting. Weather is finally really hot (80 by 1000am), and humid. What a great day for a bbq! Time to hunt up the shorts.
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