Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Sex Pistol

I know, two posts in one day, must be a really slow day.

Anyway, the Sex Pistols have been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Even better, they are not coming! I've only read excerpts, but apparently Johnny Rotten and the rest of the band saying something like, "You dorks, do you even know what we stand for?" It's kind of cool, one album good enough to get into the Hall of Fame, and enough attitude to say f@*% you.

Gosh Mick and Keith, remember when you wanted to make people uneasy with your music? Baby boomers.....yuck.

The World's First Feature Film shot with Cell Phones

Found this story on the website It's about the film SMS Sugar Man, a film made entirely with cell phones, and then transferred to film.

I admit I only started reading the story because of the cute girls in the picture. Plus, I think I was born jaded, any story about pimps/drug dealers, usually leaves me cold. However, I admire the concept behind the film, so I'll probably go see the film.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Issue with the Links

One thing I really don't like about customer service these days is that they all ask you to check out the "faq" before writing/calling/asking them a question. There are about a billion things on that list, most I care nothing about. Yet since they told me to read it before contacting them, I don't want to ask and have them go "well it's right there on our faq page" and make me feel stupid. So then rather then risk it, and that I'm too lazy to read the entire stupid thing, I do nothing.

That is why I just replace Google News with the Satorialist, rather then trying to find out how to increase my links. I encourage everyone to check out the Satorialist, a fantastic site if you care about how people look.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Women are mean

If you click on linked blog anina dot net, you will see that even a cute model that blogs is being criticized for by a chick named Gia. If you read gia's blog, you will see that she does have good reasons for being bitter, but her attack was a littel harsh.
I do think that the attack is somewhat based on jealousy. It's really mean.
Please forgive me is this seems like a dumb post, but I'm drinking away the pain of a) the Illini lost again, and b) I didn't get a job I interviewed for.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

This is a quote from Ben Franklin. Quite pertinent to today I believe.

It was awful, absolutely awful, what happened on 9.11, but I doubt if you asked any of them that they would wish for their deaths to lead to the Government spying on it's people.

I am becoming way too serious, I need to find a party to go to. I have some friends visiting from out of town tonight, so maybe that will lift me up.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Fire in the Belly

GF and I went to another fund raiser last night, I think it was a Mardi Gras party. The building it was held in was called Architectual Artifacts, up north on Ravenswood near Montrose. AA is kind of a store, museum, and event space, GF saw many things there that she liked.

Anyway, between sets by the band, they had a fire handler kind of dude. The picture here is of him spinning a stick, but he also had balls of fire (he-he) on a chain, and he swallowed some fire as well! I'm afraid that if I would have tried it, the booze in my mouth would have ignited and I would have exploded.

Lot's of blue jeans and more then a few tennis shoes with the get ups last night. Rather disappointing if you think about it.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Uggs at Barnes and Noble

Overheard this weekend at Barnes and Noble:
Girl 1 "Oh I love those boots! Are they Uggs?"
Girl 2 "Yeah."
1 "What a great color!"
2 "Yeah, it's called hiena (sp?). I bought them because they looked so cool"

Nope, they are still ugly.

Remember life before the internet

I don't know what they changed here in the schools library, but now I'm able to get an excellent connection with wi fi. I was in high school before even seeing a computer, didn't use the internet at all until after college (though I did use email and message boards), and now all I do is complain when I go anywhere that I can't get a wi fi connection!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Help from unexpected places

I have a friend in school from Greece. She is currently getting her MBA with me, after already receiving 2 Master's degrees from other schools. It's also likely that she will get a doctorate in Finance or Economics at LUC as well. She works for the school, which helps pay for her classes.
Anyway, even though I haven't spoken to her in months, when she heard there was a paid research position open at school, and took it upon herself to recommend me for it! How nice is that?!?!!