Monday, October 30, 2006


I have two final in the upcoming week, one in marketing and one in derivative securities. I am anxious about both of them, the fist because I think it's stupid, hard to pay attention to, and makes no logical sense what so ever. Typical for a marketing class.
The derivatives class is another story, it is very logical, but also very complex. I'm afraid that I'll forget something simple, and go down in flames because of it.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Group Work

I don't think I can handle much more group work at school. For my current marketing class, we have to come up with a marketing presentation and paper for the Segway. It's bad enough that my group decided to choose one of the dumbest things I have ever seen.

Now, no one wants to be the group leader. That normally isn't a problem for me, I've never met a group of people that I didn't think I could lead. However in this case, I really don't like the class, and therefore am trying to do as little work as possible.

Unfortunately, this also apparently means that nothing is getting done. Of course I have all of my projects out of the way, but I do not want to help anyone else with theirs. I'm trying to get of extra work, not take on everyone else's.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Looking for work

It sucks, looking for a job. You listen to reports about the job market (at least I watch CNBC) and think about all those people working. Why oh why can't I find work that does not require me to boss around a bunch of housekeepers? It seems that only job I'm qualified for is the only job I don't want to do!

But hope springs eternal. I've applied for a job with a large, multinational, manufacturing firm. The downside is that I may have to move, at least for most of the week, up to Wisconsin! Or at the least face a HORRENDOUSLY long commute every day. The positive side is that the company is a wholly owned subsidiary of an Italian company, so maybe I could get transferred over there! Either way, I just emailed them my resume yesterday, so let's see how it goes.

Is it wrong that the primary reason I want to work for them is because they are Italian?