Sunday, May 28, 2006

Memorial Day

I've included a shot taken by my gf while she was visiting her sister in Hong Kong. I really wish I could have gone with her, but due to finals, and no money, I could not go. Fortunately, she is very willing to go back, so there is still hope.

Long Memorial Day weekend here. So far I have done nothing too exciting other then watch really bad movies on the Sci Fi channel. Today I am going to a bbq at my friend Shana's house. It's somewhere in the suburbs, though I'm not sure where. I was trying to explain to my Dad that since I know the Metra stop, and the street address, I don't really have to know which town she lives in.

Other then that, nothing too exciting. Weather is finally really hot (80 by 1000am), and humid. What a great day for a bbq! Time to hunt up the shorts.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

That Old House

Way back on January 9th, I blogged about a house on Superior. Well today the Sun -Times finally caught up with me! Well at least we know the owners name now, and a little history about the house.

I think the photo in the article is a little misleading. What I like about the house is that if Wednesday finally grew up and moved away to go to college at UIC, she would live there! The article makes it appear a lot brighter and sunnier then it actually appears in every day life.

What a couple of people have said to me, when I tell them about the house and after they have seen it, is "You? Want to live there?" I guess I don't strike them as that dark. The house does not match my personality I guess. I love the house none the less though. Maybe there are sides to me that I never show? No doubt my inability to perform any type of introspective exercise keeps me from being able to explain why this house appeals to me (Is being aware that I'm not naturally introspective, introspective? "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.") But I swear to god, I'm deep! I swear!!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Quarter Over

I do not ever want to take 3 MBA classes in one quarter AGAIN! I am finally done, and have an entire week off until classes start up again for the Summer Quarter. I am only taking one class this summer, I can't even imagine so much free time! I still have to look for work, but its nice not working for the Pier. Summer is their busy season, so even when I would take one class in the past, I still did not have enough free time to enjoy the summer.

The gf is back in NOLA. She visited on her way to and back from Hong Kong, where she visited her sister and met her soon to be brother in law. She really likes him, and loved her trip in general. I have a lot of pictures she took that I will post later when I have more time. It was nice to see her again though.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

What's 70 years when you are in Love?

When I read this, I almost fell over. I hope they are happy, I guess. But still come on!

Monday, May 01, 2006

No really, you can trust us! We're from your Government!

Came across a few bits of information today; the first is a report about how the Gov is trying to have a lawsuit filed by the EEF against AT&T thrown out. Of course I'm not surprised, a consumer telecom helping the Gov spy on its own people? Yes, I imagine that could make someone look a little bad.

The other is about Congress and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). While I'm normally a big fan of our political process (really, I LOVE the system, I just loath those practicing it), I think in this case Congress is going too far. The Dubai ports deal illustrates that Congress can not really be trusted with these types of issues.

On a happier note, the gf made it to Hong Kong in one piece to visit her sister! She is emailing me little updates on her blackberry, and everything sounds great so far. I am glad that she was able to stop by Chicago for awhile before her trip, and I'm looking forward to another layover when she flies back.